Building up a strong database of scenarios is one of the core aims of this website. All faculty members are encouraged to develop scenarios, or liaise with other healthcare professionals to produce standardised sessions. In an attempt to try to achieve good quality scenarios that are suitable to be used across all sites a generic example is included below. Ideally this should be used to guide the production of scenarios.
However if any faculty members have scenarios that they wish to submit in alternative formats, this can be considered. All scenarios that are submitted will be subject to quality assessment and evaluation prior to uploading onto the website. Any changes that are suggested will be communicated to the submitting faculty member for approval before uploading.
If any faculty members have scenarios to submit please use the Contact page to get in touch. You will then receive details of how to send the scenario for review. All submitted scenarios will be fully credited to the person who has created them, and written acknowledgement can be provided on request.